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<Upcoming Events>

RealContact in Finland

"Macbeth, Again"

Performance: April 20 (THR), 21 (FRI), and 22 (SAT), 2017

at Kanneltalo (Klaanettitie 5, Helsinki)

An international performing arts project between Japan and Finland.


This collaborative adventure puts a new life into the Shakespeare's classic tragedy by fusing theatre, dance and Japanese drum. 

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Entä jos elämä onkin vain yö toisensa jälkeen toistuva uni? Uni, jossa ei ole menneisyyttä, nykyhetkeä tai tulevaisuutta, vain loputon tietoisuuden kehä. Idän kulttuureissa tällaista kehää kutsutaan nimellä Rinne Tensei ( 輪廻転生, reincarnation). Macbeth, again! sijoittuu tällaiseen unenomaiseen tietoisuuteen. Kansainvälisen työryhmän uniikki tulkinta Shakespearen klassikkotragediasta yhdistää teatteria ja nykytanssia klassisen japanilaisen Taiko-rummun säestyksellä. 

RealContact Project on kansainvälinen esittävän taiteen ryhmä, jota johtaa Akira Hino. Osakassa vuonna 1948 syntynyt Hino tunnetaan ennen muuta Budo-lajien mestarina, mutta hän on myös ohjaaja, koreografi ja opettaja. Akira Hinon poika Ikki Hino puolestaan on maailmankuulu taiko-rumpujen ja niihin liittyvän perinteen asiantuntija ja rumpali. Yuko Takeda on Suomessa asuva näyttelijä ja ohjaaja, joka on työskennellyt mm. Myllyteatterissa ja Taideteollisessa korkeakoulussa. 


Ohjaus Akira Hino
Lavalla mm. Ikki Hino, Nobuko Takahara, Yuko Takeda, Ulla Raitio, Tuomas Tulikorpi, Laura Humppila ja Niklas Riikonen.

Valosuunnittelija Nadja Räikkä
60 min. | Esityksen kielet: suomi, englanti, japani |
Yhteistyössä:,, ja Helsingin kulttuurikeskus 

Enemmän irti esityksestä:
Ikki Hinon Taiko-konsertti Sitratorilla joka päivä ennen esitystä klo 17-18, vapaa pääsy. Kunkin esityksen jälkeen taiteilijatapaaminen salissa.



(in English)

What if life is just a recurring dream, night after night? A dream with no past, present or future, only an endless circle of awareness. In oriental cultures, such a circle is called Rinne Tensei ( 輪廻転生, reincarnation). Macbeth, again! takes place in such dreamlike consciousness. An international working group’s unique interpretation of Shakespeare's classic tragedy combines theatre and contemporary dance, accompanied by classical Japanese Taiko drums. 

RealContact Project is an international performing arts project led by Akira Hino. Hino, born in Osaka in 1948, is known first and foremost as a master of Japanese Budo martial arts, but he is also a director, choreographer and teacher. Akira Hino’s son, Ikki Hino, in turn, is a world-renowned expert on Taiko drums and the related tradition, and a drummer. Yuko Takeda is an actress and director, who lives in Finland and has worked for Myllyteatteri, University of Arts Helsinki, among others.


Directed by Akira Hino

Cast: Nobuko Takahara, Tuomas Tulikorpi, Ulla Raitio, Yuko Takeda, Niklas Riikonen, Laura Humppila, Ikki HIno, and others.

Light designer: Nadja Räikkä
60 min. | in Finnish, English and Japanese

*Before each performance, Ikki Hino and his group will hold an outdoor wadaiko concert in front of Kanneltalo, starting at 17.
*After each performance, there will be a Q&A session with the cast members. 

Facebook Page:

RealContact Workshop by Akira Hino

A renowned martial artist and movement coach Akira Hino gives a workshop for performers.

Date & Time:
22.4 (Sat) 10:00-16:00
23.4 (Sun) 10:00-16:00
Place: Teatterikorkeakoulu (Theatre Academy), Helsinki, Finalnd (Room #525)
Maximum # of participants: 50 people
Teacher: Akira Hino
Coordinator/ assistant/ translator: Yuko Takeda

The workshop is free of charge and open for anyone who is interested in Hino's work. However, you must register to participate. 
To register for the workshop, please send your CV and contact information to by April 10th. The selected participants will be notified by April 13th.


Click here for the content of the workshop

Short biography of Akira Hino:
Born in Osaka, Japan in 1948. Akira Hino is not only a renowned master of Japanese Budo (martial arts) but also a movement coach, teacher, choreographer, professional jazz drummer and author. 
His incredible physical ability was initially realized when he became a self-taught gymnast in junior high school. He was soon selected as one of the Tokyo Olympic qualifiers for the intensive training camp.
As a professional jazz drummer, he performed with many acclaimed musicians such as Kaoru Abe during 70s and 80s. 
When he turned thirty years old, he founded the Hino Budo Institute in Kumano, Wakayama. He formed the basis of “Hino Method” through his rigorous training there. The method is rooted in his study of the essence of martial arts, especially the words of the legendary masters in the history of Japanese classic martial arts. It is about developing the body to its full potential without relying on muscle strength and refining bodily intelligence. 
Unconventional, thought-provoking, and effective, Hino Method and its philosophy have been resonating with people from all walks of life: martial artists, athletes, dancers, actors, educators, medical professionals, musicians, and scientists both in Japan and abroad. 
From 2005 to 2015, he had been invited almost yearly by world-renowned choreographer William Forsythe to teach the members of the Forsythe Company in Frankfurt, Germany. He has also given many workshops and seminars in Japan, Europe, and North America to date.

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